



Rates: All prices are based on current exchange rates and may change due to currency fluctuations.  All payments to Marathon Tours & Travel China will be processed in Chinese Yuan (RMB).


Reservation and Payments: A completed tour application together with a non-refundable full payment. 


Cancellations: All payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable.  Non-transferrable includes applying your balance to another person, another year or another trip. Should you cancel for any reason, you will forfeit your trip investment. Therefore, travel insurance for every trip is highly recommended.  All cancellations must be received in writing. 


Note Included in the Price: All items not specifically listed under tour features.  The race entry fee is an additional cost to the package price.


Security Policy:  Marathon Tours & Travel's security policy requires that anyone staying in our room block must be registered as part of our package.  If a registered client attempts to house a non-registered guest and /or invite them to attend any of our scheduled activities, the registered guest’s tour package will be forfeited and parties may be denied access to future tours. Please note that no exceptions will be made as this policy will be strictly enforced.


Responsibility: These tours are operated by Marathon Tours, Inc. of Chelsea, MA who acts only as an agent for the passenger to the companies offering such services and assumes no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity caused by any reason whatsoever by any party offering such services. All terms and conditions offered are governed by the laws of Massachusetts. The right is reserved to cancel the tour prior to departure with a refund, less applicable credit card and processing fees, made as full settlement to the passenger. The right is reserved by Marathon Tours, Inc. to deny acceptance of a booking application by any person. Marathon Tours, Inc. may make any changes or alterations in the itinerary as it deems necessary for the proper handling of the tour. The sole responsibility of any airline used is limited to that set out in the passenger contract evidenced by the ticket. The airlines concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time that the passengers are not on board their aircraft. 


Insurance: For your protection, trip cancellation, baggage, health and accident insurance is highly recommended for all participants.  However, no representation or description of the insurance made by our staff constitutes a binding assurance or promise about the insurance. 



Travel Insurance Option (link)